Our Community

Higher-Self Holistics LLC.

Our vision:

Become an epicenter of healing, learning, artistry and socialization. Forming a community for all Spiritual, Holistic and Metaphysical healers, artists, and crafters.

To support, help and promote other local Businesses, facilitators, and individuals.

About the owner:

An eclectic Practicing Wiccan, with over 7 years of study and certifications in Crystals, Chakras, and intuitive healing.

2 years of study and certification in Sound Healing, Reiki, and Meditation. As a passionate empath, Stacy has a unique way of feeling and seeing things.

Creating a high energy destination, where all are welcome no matter who they are or what they practice or identify as.

Our mission:

To be a place of holistic and metaphysical growth, support and healing. To promote a level of Wholesome, Genuine, guidance with an open heart, mind and soul.

Use the Scheduler below to start your healing Journey today.

contact us at:

Phone: 563-207-8658 ~ Email: stacymeyer@Higher-SelfHolistics.com ~ 3003 Asbury Road Dubuque

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